How to Create pages in Blogger with 7 steps


How to Create pages in Blogger:


What is the use of pages:

Pages are just like a post only. But it does not appear in the blog post area. To appear in your blog, you have to create tabs at the top (menu) or links on the side. You can create pages for consistent content like “About” or “Contact.” Pages can appear on your blog as tabs at the top or links on the side.

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Note: You cannot use specific posts as pages.

Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay

Let us see how to create pages in blogger:

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How to Create pages in Blogger with 7 steps

Step1: Login to your blogger dashboard.

Step2: Go to Pages

Step3: Click new pages

Step4: it will redirect you to the content editor page.

Step5: Enter title of your page “about me”

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Step6: Create some text about your self

Step7: Post it. That’s all you have successfully created pages

Also, see: What is the use of pages and how to create Main menu and Sub menu in blogger


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