How to hide author Name in blogger post with simple steps


How to hide author Name in blogger Post:

Hide author name in blogger post have both advantage and disadvantage. The advantage is, you can work like anonymous, No one does not want to know about your profile. The disadvantage of hiding author name is google adsense does not approve, the blog does not have author name. ok, anyhow in this tutorial we are going to see how to hide author name in blogger post.

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ambermb / Pixabay

Follow my steps:

Step1: Log in to your blogger dashboard

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Step2: Click the layout

Step3: Go to the Main post, Click edit

Step4: you will see one popup window “configure Post”, Make untik as shown in the picture. Save it

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Step5: that’s all, Author name will not be shown in the picture..

Note: If you have Separate author Box, then delete HTML code at your author box in layout section

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