How to enable blocked right click to copy the content in a website

geralt / Pixabay

How to enable blocked right click copy content and right click in a website:

Some of the websites are using some technique to protect their content from online. Here I will tell you the most effective way and 100 % working technique. Enable blocked right click copy content.

  1. By disabling all CSS (100% working)
  2. Disabling java script in your browser
  3. Taking print screen
  4. Through source code
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  1. By disabling CSS:

This is the most effective way. To activate this, you need add a web developer extension to your chrome browser or just go to firebox web developer. After downloading this extension, you just got click that extension and enter in to dash board, there you will see all CSS styles, enabling and disabling options and there you can perform your requirement. Please see how to enable blocked right click copy content…

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Also see: How to add chrome extention.


  1. Disabling java script:

In this you do not need to add any extention. Just follow the steps:

  1. Go to content settings or click this. There you just click the enable or disable button. By enabling you are enable all java script to any website from this browser, by disabling you are just disable java script to any website from this website.
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  1. For fire box you need to add extention or add on Is called “disable java Script”, with fire box browser. To enable blocked right click copy content do as in the picture…
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Taking print Screen or print the content.:

By doing right click print or CTRL + P in your computer’s mouse, you can enable blocked right click copy content from any website. There you will see entire page of the website and there you can take print or copy the website data, weather hard copy or soft copy.

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Viewing Source code:

By viewing source code, you can copy some part of the other’s content like a line or sentence or some paragraph. But disabling java script and disabling CSS is the most effective way to enable blocked right click copy content. Just do right click from the website data to be copied; in right click you get an option is called “view page source” click that, please see the picture, copy the content you want to copy….

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