How to place Adsense Verification code for your blogger


How to place/put Adsense Verification code for your blogger:

There are two ways you can place adsense verification for your blogger blogspot website:

  1. HTML editing method
  2. Place codes in header ads
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Let see

  1. HTML editing method:

Copy the adsense verification code from your adsense account. Go to your blogger dashboard => Click theme option => Click edit HTML => Find <head> => paste below of the head => Save it…that’s all do not forget to do submit confirmation at your adsense account.

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  1. Placing the code of your header ads (it works with some of the premium theme) Do not try this….but knowledge purpose you can learn it.
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Copy the adsense verification from your adsense => Go to your Blogger dashboard => layout => Click edit on your header ads => paste the verification code=> Save it

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How to make confirmation of your verification code placement:

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Go to your blogger website webpage => Click right click => View page source or press ctrl + u in keypad => Find or serch “adsygoogle” if the code is available inside of your head section which means below <head> to </head>… it means you have done correctly…otherwise place it correctly. Refer the picture..

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See the code has placed below the <head>


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