Digital Electronics:

Basic Definition:
In electronics field, as we know there are two types of signals such as Analog or Continuous signals and Digital or Discrete signals. This is one of the Sub branch in Electronics field which involves the study of digital signals to perform specific tasks. We can deals these signals in the form of codes such as 0 and 1 (Only we have two codes).Here 0 will be considered as Low and 1 will be considered as High.
In simple words we can say that, it is also known as digital circuit that use digital signals and produce the output as binary values (0 or 1).
Digital systems which are designed to store, process and communicate information in the form of Digital signals. Example: Computers, Information appliances, Digital Camera ,Digital Television , Flash memory ,Key USB Memory ,Mobile phones, Hard Disks and devices of Computer Memory. Among these, Digital computer or Computer is the most common real word example.
How computer works means, it manipulates the information in the form of digital or more precisely binary form. As we know this binary number only has two discrete values as 0 and 1.These values represented by OFF and ON Status of an electronic switch that is called a Transistor. Computer can understand binary numbers only. In Computer the decimal number (Base 10 ,with 10 digits from 0to 9) will be represented by Binary format (Base 2 ,digits 0 and 1 ).